LARA Interactive API
Table of contents:
Startup and Initialization
LARA interactive iframes communicate by using iFramePhone through three scripts loaded by the server in the browser:, and logger.js. The LARA logging service also uses iFramePhones RPC endpoint to log events from the interactives.
The script first listens for the iFramePhone to connect and registers the message handlers documented below, then sends separate getExtendedSupport
and getLearnerUrl
requests to the client and finally calls back to the LARA server to get the current interactive state. If there is existing interactive state the client will receive a loadInteractive
message with the current interactive state as the parameter to the message. However if no previous interactive state is found on the server the client will not receive a callback. To allow interactives to have a
consistent startup a new message was added, initInteractive
(documented below), which is always sent to the client after the server is queried for the interactive state by
The script sets up a listener for the interactiveStateGlobal
message and sends one message: loadInteractiveGlobal
The logger.js sets up a listener for the log
Since the three scripts above and the interactive's code are both running in the browser we will use the term server to mean the code in scripts interfacing with LARA above and client to be the interactive. Messages
The client-side API can be split into two parts: messages initiated by the server to inform the client or request data back from the client and those initiated by the client to inform the server or request data back from the server. Some of the messages from the client can be both responses to the server when it queries for information and requests to the server to set that information.
Sent automatically by the server at startup to query the client about their extendedSupport
status. This is the first message the client will receive and is sent before the call is made to
the server to get the interactive state. It has no payload data.
Can be thought of as setExtendedSupport
. Sent by the client either in response to receiving a getExtendedSupport
message or can be initiated by the client. The payload for the message is an object with the following structure: {reset: <boolean>}
. If reset
is true, we will allow the user to 'reset' the interactive via the delete button in the LARA runtime.
DEPRECATED instead you should use the messages that save and load interactive state: initInteractive
, getInteractiveState
, interactiveState
Sent automatically by the server at startup to query the client about their learner url (the client responds via setLearnerUrl
). This is the second message the client will receive and is sent before the call is made to the server to get the interactive state. It has no payload data.
DEPRECATED instead you should use the messages that save and load interactive state: initInteractive
, getInteractiveState
, interactiveState
Sent by the client either in response to receiving a getLearnerUrl
message or can be initiated by the client. The payload for the message is the string that denotes exact URL for the current student.
Sent automatically by the server every 5 seconds to query the client about their interactive state. It has no payload data.
This is also sent by LARA before changing pages. The client must respond with initInteractive
IMPORTANT If the client does not respond with the interactiveState
message then LARA will not change pages.
Can be thought of as setInteractiveState
. Sent by the client either in response to receiving a getInteractiveState
message or can be initiated by the client. The payload for the message is an arbitrary serializable object that will be stored by the LARA server.
Sent by the client to the server to request the current users authentication information. It has no payload data.
Sent by the server only in response to a getAuthInfo
request by the client. The payload is the object {provider: <string>, loggedIn: <boolean>, email: <string>}
where provider
and loggedIn
are always set and email
is only set if the user has an email address.
DEPRECATED The initInteractive
message includes the state, and should be used to get the state instead.
Sent by the server at startup after the LARA server is queried about the interactive's state and only if the interactive has state. The payload for the message is a arbitrary serialized object
previously set by the interactiveState
Sent by the server at startup after the LARA server is queried about the interactive's state. This message will always be sent, even if there is an error querying the server about the interactive state.
See the initInteractive section in Implementing Interactive for details.
Sent by the client to enable/disable page navigation. The payload is the object {enableForwardNav: <boolean>, message: string}
where message
is an optional message shown in an jQuery alert box when the forward navigation is clicked when disabled. Messages
Sent by the client to the server and sets the global state that should be shared with all the interactives embedded in the current activity for the current student. The payload for the message is an arbitrary serializable object. The global state is saved in database as text (stringified JSON) and LARA does not care about its content.
Once this message is received, the server immediately posts loadInteractiveGlobal
to all interactives on the same page (except from the sender of the original save message).
Sent by the server to all interactives on the current page (for current activity and student). The payload for the message is an arbitrary serialized object. It's interactive responsibility to interpret this message and load (or not) the given state.
This message is sent by the server when:
- The
message is received by the server - The activity page is loaded and the global interactive state is available in LARA activity run (so only if
has been received earlier)
logger.js Messages
This message proxies communication from the interactive → LARA → Logging server. There is only one way communication between the interactive and LARA. The interactive is expected to post following messages using iframe phone:'log', {action: 'actionName', data: {someValue: 1, otherValue: 2})
LARA listens to these events only when logging is enabled (they will be ignored otherwise). When a log
message is received, LARA issues a POST request to the Logging server. LARA uses provided action name and data, but also adds additional information to the event (context that might useful for researchers, e.g. user name, activity name, url, session ID, etc.).