Shutterbug API

Shutterbug is used widely in Lab and in LARA, it uses postMessage to request child iFrames HTML content for snapshotting.

The basic PostMessage API Calls that are used in the shutterbug javascript project are documented in the github repo

Shutterbug Messages


Parent asks iframes about their content:

 var message  = {
   type:        'htmlFragRequest',
   id:          id,       // Shutterbug ID
   iframeReqId: iframeId, // position of iframe in dom
   iframeReqTimeout: this.iframeReqTimeout * 0.6
 window.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), "*");

And an Iframe sends its content back:

var response = {
  type:        'htmlFragResponse',
  value:       html,
  iframeReqId: iframeReqId, // counter, from request
  id:          id           // sender_id from request
source.postMessage(JSON.stringify(response), "*");