Using iFramePhone

As mentioned iFramePhone is the service which LARA uses for much of its iFrame communication. It is also used by Lab Interactives internally. Most of the Lab messages are ignored by LARA.

Here for reference is what the implementation looks like. Taken from the iFramePhone Readme:

Parent Setup

var phone = new iframePhone.ParentEndpoint(iframeElement, function () {
  console.log("connection with iframe established");
});'testMessage', 'abc');
phone.addListener('response', function (content) {
  console.log("parent received response: " + content);

Iframe (child) Setup

var phone = iframePhone.getIFrameEndpoint();
phone.addListener('testMessage', function (content) {
  console.log("iframe received message: " + content);'response', 'got it');
// Initialize connection after all message listeners are added!

Hello Messages

iFramePhone uses a hello messages to start communication with a specified origin. These messages get sent using the PostMessage API and look like this:

var message = {
  type: "hello",
  origin: ""

Other Messages

Subsequent messages follow a similar pattern, specifiying type which helps determine which listeners to notify:

var message = {

Message Posting Implementation

The post messages looks like this as they are being sent out through iFramePhone. You don't need to worry about this; it is here for reference.

message = {
  type: "getLearnerUrl",
  origin: "http://localhost:3000",
  content: {} // something specific to 'type'
Window.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), targetOrigin);